6 KV connectors

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Reference : CDR CNA / CDR CNU

6kV insulated derivation network connector -bare network

Making the derivation of an insulated LV overhead network on a bare LV overhead network.
Independent perforation of insulation.

Complies with standard : NFC 33020


Ref Characteristics Conditioning ENEDIS Nomenclature Weight  
CDR/CNA2S70 Capacity: main: 7 - 120 ; deviation 25 -70 4 67.21.651 0.285 Kg
CDR/CNU2S70 Capacity: main: 7 - 120 ; derivation: 25 - 70 4 67.21.661 0.285 Kg
CDR/CNA2S150 Capacity: main: 7 - 120 ; derivation: 35-150 4 67.21.652 0.57 Kg
CDR/CNU2S150 Capacity: main: 7 - 120 ; derivation: 35 - 150 4 67.21.662 0.57 Kg
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